Maybe the highlight of the week was when I took the boys for a hair cut here's the pictures for before....
It was Anya's last day at school before the summer holiday, school had an achievement assembly shortly after the hairdressing debacle so I wasn't feeling up to keeping the boys quiet and still for an hour and gave it a miss. I had an awful-mother moment as I was the last to collect her from her classroom and on my way in her teacher said - "Oh you missed Anya getting her award", shortly followed by Anya asking where I'd been. So much for me sneaking in the back - I blame Euan who refused to get into his pushchair then sat on the floor every time I directed him towards school. She won the most improved award (a pad and pen set).
Quote of the week - Anya's reading book talked about animal mates, she asked what a mate was. Trying to think quickly I answered a bit like a husband and wife. She asked why animals don't wear wedding rings. Mmm - because they are more like boyfriend and girlfriend. So how do they have kids? I'm beginning to find this getting increasingly tough - Well, you don't have to be married to have children (hope Mrs Brookes doesn't read this!), your friend's Mum and Dad aren't. Anya - Is that so it's easier for them to get away when they've had enough? (If only!!)
Thoughts of the week - This comes from a support thread on weight loss - 1. No-one dies and people say, "oh she was beautiful" they say "wasn't she LOVELY" 2. Imagine George Clooney watching you as you hoover up fish fingers. ~ SetSquare
Finally I've put this garden photo in to prove to myself after days of rain that last week we had one sunny hot day and lovely evening. I'm hoping for a repeat in the next 7 1/2 weeks.
reminds me that I need to cut the grass if it ever stops raining