Thursday 9 September 2010

Skywatch Friday - Bonjour Spain

An amazingly warm, relaxing and lazy 10 days in Spain have provided a plethora of sunny sky photos to pick from (can't whittle them down much as they are helping me remember the good times) so here's a selection.

Flying into the setting sun.....
The only taxing thing about the holiday was the language, my one line of Spanish wasn't much use.  Yo no soy marinero, soy capitan - I am not a sailor, I'm the Captain, couldn't be slipped into conversations without causing much confusion.  We all found that we kept lapsing into French, but like typical British abroad we found speaking English loudly, slowly and with a slightly foreign accent was the best way to communicate.

Fly around the world without having to cope with speaking the lingo at SkyWatch Friday


  1. Looks soooooo nice. Thanks for sharing.

  2. The pictures are lovely. I love pictures of sunrises and sunsets.

  3. What, nobody in Spain speaks La Bamba? I love the beach "umbrella" shot, reminds me of Majorca. They're all lovely images.

  4. Great photos of your holidays in Spain!Enjoy it!Have a nice weekend!

  5. those gorgeous skies have me speechless!

  6. Cracking shots matey, I just love looking back at holiday shots, we brits always go for those blue skies yeah?...... sounds like you had a good time and thank you for sharing your memories!......:)

  7. Breathtaking skies! Wonderful colors! Terrific captures! Brought back lovely memories of the year and a half that I lived in Spain. Have a great weekend!


  8. Aw.....I'm sure you had a great holiday after all! Thanks for sharing the skies

  9. Gorgeous shots! Sigh...wish I were there!

  10. All kinds of skies. Great shots, #2 is my favorite.

  11. i love your photostream and also your sky shots

    forgive me if I did not come before..I travel a lot.
    nice day


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